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Series: 35 Years of Keeping Families Close

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My son Logan was born on June 25th, 2010. He was born in Massena hospital and as soon as he was born I knew something was wrong, he sounded wet when he was breathing. Within 24 hours he was hooked up to all kinds of machines and stuff for his breathing because his 02 stats kept dropping. The doctor that was at the hospital that day was from New York City and said that he had Coanal Artesia, when I would feed him he would puke it right back up. Coanal Artesia is where the inside of his nose was swollen shut. He was shipped to Syracuse hospital for the first week of his life and spent it in the NICU. There I spent the time at the Ronald McDonald house up there. Now my birthday is June 27th, so that was the best birthday present was to be able to hold my son for the first time.

I took him home, and he began to get these breathing issues. His doctor at 8 months old made him an appointment for Burlington to see a pulmonary doctor. Then he was put under for a test where they discovered he had Trachiomalagia. From then on he has had numerous surgeries which have required stays at Burlington’s Ronald McDonald House. Logan also is legally blind in one eye, he has testicular Microtheasis, ADHD, sleep apnea and is such a great kid among all his medical issues. Next month Logan is going in for his 8th surgery to have his adenoids out for the 5th time and we will be staying there again. I want to say thank you to the staff and volunteers for all they have done and continue to do for my family!!


RMHC StaffSeries: 35 Years of Keeping Families Close

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