Happy Birthday Month , Mike!


For the month of July, we will be celebrating Mike, his birthday, and his dedication to Ronald McDonald House Charities and the families we serve. Mike is integral to our mission of providing a home away from home for families that stay with us.

Mike was asked to ‘sit and speak’ about his career at Ronald McDonald House.


How long have you been working for RMHC?

Going on 8 years (But feels like 80 in dog years)

What is your job at RMHC?

My official title is Director of Love and Comfort. I am responsible for greeting humans with my favorite toy. I eat treats and play in the yard with small humans. I can tell when someone isn’t feeling their best and I try to help. I also supervise dinner chefs.

What inspired you to pursue a career at RMHC?

Our Executive Director was hiring for my position and when I arrived at the House for an interview, someone was in the kitchen baking cookies. I saw all the spaces where I could work and I noticed Humans staying at the House smiled when they saw me. I accepted the job when I heard some of these humans have to leave their pets at home when they come to stay at the House. I know how hard it is to be away from my humans, so I am here for shaking paws and accepting treats.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

I.LOVE.SQUIRRELS. But in all seriousness, many do not know that I was named after Father Mike Cronogue from St. Michael’s College. Father Mike was a volunteer at RMHC before my time and he passed away suddenly. When I came along, everyone noticed I had a little white area just under my collar. And that is how I was named Mike!

Happy 8th Birthday, Mike!

Larissa KepcharHappy Birthday Month , Mike!